Where can I park?

There are two parking lots on the church campus: one entered via the alley from Marshall Avenue on the North or Myrtle Avenue on the South. The other lower level parking lot is accessed from Wells Street on the East. You can also park along the west side of Porter Street, or in the City Hall parking lot on Myrtle Avenue.

Where is the front door?

Enter via Porter Street, by climbing the stairs next to the handicapped ramp and enter the Lobby through the wooden main doors.

What about Handicapped access?

We have multiple designated handicapped parking spaces in the main parking lot. There are two exterior ramps to enter the building: one by the glass Fellowship Hall door for basement access, or one on the Porter Street side for sanctuary access. Once inside, we have an elevator to take you between the two floors.

What is the hybrid worship service like?

Sunday Morning Worship at 9:30 a.m. is the hybrid worship service.  You can choose to join via the Zoom link from home or come to the sanctuary in person. If you come in person, you'll be greeted by the Ushers. The bulletin and announcements will be shown on the projection screen. Sit wherever you like. Early in the service we Pass the Peace of Christ and introduce ourselves.   Prayers, receiving of the offering, singing or reciting of the Lord's Prayer, and scripture readings are before the sermon. The service is concluded with everyone listening to the postlude.

When is Communion served?

Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month.  The "body of Christ" and the "blood of Christ" are consumed corporately. (The passed bread is gluten free.) If you are worshipping via Zoom you are encouraged to partake at home.

What if I need Special Assistance?

We offer hearing devices, additional seat cushions for the pews, large print Bibles, large print bulletins and large print hymnals. Just ask an Usher for assistance.

What about kids?

We have on-call Nursery care for infants through 3 years in the Fellowship Hall run by trained staff. The children are signed in and out. There is Children's Church for 4 year-olds through 5th grade, or this age group may stay in worship and use one of the Children's Worship Bags that can be found at the Information Table in the Foyer.

What happens after Worship?

Weekly Coffee Fellowship is provided downstairs in the Fellowship Hall.  Enjoy the array of snacks and beverages while making some new friends in the process.

What's Next?

There are many ways you can become part of the Calvary family of faith. Stop by the Information Table in the foyer for more information about Calvary from any of the Ushers.

We invite you to check out the following pages: 





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