Be a part of praising God weekly!
Worship Arts
chancel choir
At Sunday Worship, Lindsey Delmarter, Choir Director, leads our Chancel Choir in uplifting anthems that bless the worship service. The Chancel Choir is accompanied by pianist, Marlene Jakel or Daisy Nau. Your voice is welcomed and rehearsals are Wednesdays at 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary.
agape ringers
The Agape Ringers are our English Hand Bell choir. They practice each Thursday at 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the Church Narthex. They provide special music at Sunday Worship throughout the year.
sound and video crew
Volunteers are needed each week to run the projection system, advance the power point slides, and video recording equipment for our worship services. Training is offered. If you would like to volunteer, contact the Church Office.
Sunday morning volunteers are needed for these jobs each week. We'd love your help! It is a great way to meet people and feel like you are part of the Calvary family!