children's MINISTRY


nursery care 

Next to our Fellowship Hall, is Calvary's Nursery for infants through 3 years. Trained staff supervise and care for your little ones while you are participating at worship, bible study, or another event. 


4 year olds through 5th graders are invited to attend Children’s Church on Sunday mornings. Children are provided with Biblical stories, teachings and prayer in an informal and engaging time.  Parents are welcome to stay close to their child to support their learning.

Children’s Church is dismissed partway through the service.  A teacher meets the children at the back of the sanctuary and they go down to the Fellowship Hall.  When the learning is done they return upstairs at end of the worship service.

Or…If you prefer your child stays with you during Worship Services, there are Worship Bags they may use.  Inside the bag is drawing supplies or fun work pages to complete with coloring tools on a clipboard.  Pick one up at the Information Table in the Foyer.


This summer Calvary collaborates with Trinity Lutheran and Hope Lutheran Churches to provide Vacation Bible School to the children of Enumclaw and its surrounding areas. Lots of fun is had by all with singing, crafts, Bible lessons, games, and snacks. There is no cost and elementary school children are welcome.


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